we are happy to announce our participation into Homo Faber fellowship program
Homo Faber Fellowship program https://www.instagram.com/homofaber/
We are happy to be part of the first Homo Faber Fellowship prpogram. A new education initiative for craft graduates and master artisans.
The seven month programme is designed for duos of master artisans and young talents to facilitate the transmission of skills and enable craft graduates to take the first steps towards a profession in the craft sector.
It marks the beginning of a long term partnership with Jaeger-LeCoultre who share our vision to secure the future of craftsmanship.
The Fellowship is developed in partnership with https://www.instagram.com/jaegerlecoultre/ and local members of the Foundation’s international network https://www.instagram.com/contemporaneadeartesyoficios/ * https://www.instagram.com/theocharakis_foundation/ * https://www.instagram.com/ceartept/ * https://www.instagram.com/dccireland/ together with the academic partner https://www.instagram.com/essecbs/ at the creative residency https://www.instagram.com/joanavasconcelosatelier/
The experience was one of a kind. We had the perfect match with the Fellow Clara Coujaty https://www.instagram.com/citro.nbleu/ from Paris as a person, as a fellow and as a craftwoman. The time went to quickly we already had to say goodbye.
The picture shows the Duo Tom von Kaenel and Clara Coujaty with the Co-Creation Un au revoir which was part of the program to create a piece on their own from start to finish inspired by the art deco period.